
Server Installation

To use certbot-django, you must first install it in the Django application for which you’d like to obtain an SSL token.

  1. Follow the instructions for installing asymmetric_jwt_auth. This is necessary for certbot to authentication with your application.
  2. Install the certbot-django package.
$ pip install certbot-django
  1. Add certbot_django.server to your application’s INSTALLED_APPS list.
# myproject/
  1. Include certbot-django in your applications URLs file. In order to work, it must be placed at
# myproject/
from django.conf.urls import include, url
from django.contrib import admin
import certbot_django.server.urls

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^admin/', include(,
    url(r'^\.well-known/', include(certbot_django.server.urls)),
  1. Deploy your application so that it’s accessible to the Internet over HTTP on port 80.
  2. Run migrations to create the necessary models.
$ python migrate

Client Installation

Next, you must install certbot-django on the system where you plan run the certbot client.

Note: Unfortunately, you must install certbot-django globally on the system. Certbot will not be able to find the package if you install it in a virtual environment, even if certbot is installed and run from the same virtual environment.

$ pip install certbot
$ pip install certbot-django